My Own Personal Mortgage Crisis

As posted to Facebook & LinkedIn:

I’ve always been the obnoxious kid in class that would raise their hand and ask questions – questions others might have, but were either too timid or embarrassed to ask themselves.

I’ve never been afraid to ask a question, personally, academically, or professionally.

I ask, fearlessly. I probe if I still don’t get it. I try to make sure I fully understand something, and I have always tried to do it publicly, as a teacher very early on told me ‘you asking out-loud means someone else might learn something they otherwise wouldn’t have.”

That’s how I’m approaching this financial crisis I find myself in, and my inability to pay my mortgage.

So you’ll be along with me while I do it, and I’ll be posting all of this to as a part of leaving it in a place where it can be caught by Google and findable for anyone else to read.

All that said: just got off the phone with my mortgage company. I recorded the call, in case I have to go back to what was referenced to defend my actions or explain ‘this is what was told to me, and why I did X, Y, or even Z.’

I have to be two months behind before my mortgage company does anything with forbearance and it takes at least five months behind before foreclosure is on the table.

Essentially, staying in contact with the mortgage company as I work through this is paramount.

The first resource I was given can’t help me, as Kansas ended the program at the end of 2023, but for anyone in my situation, there’s what’s called ‘The Homeowner’s Assistance Fund:’ it’s State-to-State, and has the ability to help those who are in a tough spot.

If you know someone who needs it in another State that has it, it apparently has been a life-line for many. Kansas alone had provided $49M in assistance over the life of the program, particularly during the pandemic.

The other resources offered to me to contact was and HUD, as they have resources I’ll be checking into and sharing about later.

My next calls will be to various utilities and credit services and working on what’s available, local and regional charity services, all the while continuing to try to get into a more permanent role that can support my household.

So, if you made it this far, I’m open to TAM roles, though I would very much prefer a SRE or Solutions Architect role, in a startup or freshly IPO’d, in Pre-or-post Sales, as that’s where I feel I really shine.

I’m currently part-time in a role at a warehouse, just to bring in something to live on. I would like to get back to the professional world in the roles I’m best at.

Thanks for reading, and expect more as I have it.

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