Day 2 of working the warehouse job.
Body is beat up. Been a while since I’ve gone hard for hours on end, multiple days in a row.
Smacked my left hand into a metal edge of the loading rack while carrying an Xbox. Sprained the pointer and ring finger. Swollen this evening.

Realized at the end of the shift I am dealing with shin splints.
And while hustling around juices and drinks, I felt the tendons inside my left elbow give a shooting pain all the way up my arm.
Warehouse work is hard work.
I did get ‘atta boys’ both day by the team lead – Lucas.
He could tell I was struggling by the end of the shift.
I was lucky to find this opportunity. It’s hard work, pays hardly anything compared to what I’m used to making, and it requires I wake at 3AM to get my day started.
I couldn’t be happier to have it.
I walked out of the store at 7:05 this morning, before the sun had risen.
I walked into the house, hobbled up the stairs, and immediately fell into the bed.
Woke at 2:30. Went and picked up and dropped off a prescription, came back home.
Laid on the couch, watching the new Anthony Jeselnik comedy special on Netflix.
Text came through. Prescription was ready.
Picked it up. Called the tire store; got my replacements set for 1PM tomorrow.
Came home.
3 packs of Ramen noodles, six eggs.
Back on the couch.
Wrote to Cassie. She gave me a lead on roles elsewhere.
Writing this, and falling asleep again shortly.
Fire up ‘LOST.’ Never watched it all the way through.
I felt like/related to ‘Jack’ when I watched it the first time.
Now Locke seems more relatable.
How times change.