I believe an endgame for all of this on the horizon after the New Year.Read MoreEndgame
What I enjoy, shared.
I believe an endgame for all of this on the horizon after the New Year.Read MoreEndgame
In cinema, a tight edit of a movie should only give you scenes that inform the motives, advances the plot; all killer, no filler. In a good movie, they’ll show, not tell, and allow you to connect the dots. While there are definitely points of expositions for the sake of advancing the plot, this one has some particularly clever moments I, merrily, didn’t see coming. Made my heart grow three sizes this… morning… that a film like this would trust the audience and give us moments of surprise plot points that were earned.Read MoreCarry-On (2024)
In repeating those exact same scenarios, this time the rears stayed planted, and I wasn’t even close to the limit, the limit being where the tires lose traction and begin to slide. Testing at velocities +30MPH than previous attempts proved stable.Read MoreBig Wang™ Shakedown Results
That’s the other part: it’s always ‘Yes sir,’ ‘No sir,’ and ‘I’m sorry, sir.’ I tender deference to the officer in every situation. If I’m carrying a firearm, I keep my hands on the wheel, and tell them where it is, and ask how they would like to proceed.Read MoreI (Apparently) Can’t Drive 55